- tubuh : Juniper essential oil
by-cosmetics 100% natural cosmetics

Juniper essential oil

Rp 80000

by-cosmetics JuniperBotanical name: Juniperus communis.
Aroma: fresh, woody, sweet, earthy, fruity.
Produce: method water distillation.
Topically: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal, carminative, diuretic, stress-resistant.

Externally: relieves skin irritation caused by rashes and eczema, removes acne, reduces scars and stretch marks, antimicrobial activity against various bacteria, fungi and yeast.

Internally: for stomach problems (including ulcers, chest pain and indigestion), as a carminative (reduces intestinal gas), promotes appetite and digestion; helps to heal indigestion and to ensure proper secretion and outflow of bile, gastric juice and acids.

Inhalation: helps in the fight against a runny nose, unclogs the sinuses, relieves stress and tension.

Aromatically: aroma juniper menyadarkan dan memberi nada, membantu untuk melihat kehidupan yang segar dan menjernihkan pikiran. Minyak esensial ini membantu menemukan pendekatan kreatif untuk memecahkan masalah kehidupan yang mendesak, menghilangkan emosi yang merusak, memiliki efek menguntungkan pada jiwa, dan membantu pulih dari situasi stres dan trauma psiko-emosional. Ini adalah salah satu minyak yang terkait dengan energi keluarga, yang mengingatkan pada nilai-nilai abadi. Minyak Juniper membantu untuk menyadari dan menerima sisi gelap dan ketakutan, serta energi yang terhalang di dalamnya untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan.

Pada tingkat bioenergi, aroma juniper sebanding dengan perasaan setelah berenang di danau pegunungan yang jernih. Ini membangkitkan kemurnian niat dan kesempurnaan roh, membantu membentuk integritas kepribadian dan aura, mengisinya dengan getaran bersih.

- for healing wounds, relieving spasms, carminative effect - 2-3 drops per 1 tablespoon of base oil (coconut) and apply pointwise;
- compresses for joint pain and various injuries - 3-5 drops;
- for massage for sprains and rheumatism 4-6 drops per 1 tablespoon of base oil (coconut);
- inhalation - drop 1-2 drops on each palm, rub them lightly into each other, then cover your nose with your palms and inhale deeply to relieve stress and tension - this will help you regain strength and regroup to find peace again;
- for an aroma lamp - 3-4 drops (relieving nervous tension, improving concentration, reducing anxiety, increasing efficiency);
- for an aromatic bath - 3-4 drops per 1 tablespoon of base oil (coconut);
- for baths and saunas 3-5 drops;
- to freshen carpet, toilet, car and furniture, mix a few drops of essential oil with a little water in a spray bottle;
- inside for a cold in tea, 2 drops of oil mixed with a teaspoon of honey.


Consult with your doctor before use! Pregnant and lactating women are advised to temporarily refrain from using this essential oil.

Storage: store at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight.
Volume: 7ml, 25ml

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