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C love (lat. dianthus) is the fruit of the clove tree (fragrant syzygium) - an evergreen tropical plant of the myrtle family. The clove got its name from the unusual shape of dried unopened flowers in the form of cloves. Clove buds are harvested by hand, then dried until they turn brown and used in various industries.


The Moluccas in eastern Indonesia are considered to be the birthplace of cloves, which were taken over by the Portuguese in 1512 and became the monopoly owners of the plantations of this spice. Over 2000 BC from Indonesia, cloves were brought to China during the Han Dynasty, where people held clove buds in their mouths to improve their breath during an audience with the emperor. Also, Chinese practitioners of traditional medicine already then used cloves as a homeopathic remedy for relieving toothache. In Europe clove oil protected Europeans from the bubonic plague, and in ancient Persia it was used as a love potion. Even in ancient times, it was believed that clove oil strengthens the aura of a person, contributes to the formation of his personality. With its help, they also scared away vampires, fought envy and anger. Today, Indonesia provides 73% of the world's cloves production, and cloves are also grown in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, South India, Indo-China, Tanzania, Kenya, and Jamaica.

blog by-cosmetics эфирное масло гвоздики


For the production of essential oil, clove buds are used. To obtain one kilogram of clove oil, 6 to 8 kilograms of buds are needed.


Clove oil is a slightly yellowish oily liquid that turns brown on storage. It has a strong, pungent, tart, spicy smell.
Clove buds contain:
- essential oil (17-20%)
- tannins (up to 20%)
- slime
- fats

The main component of the essential oil of buds is eugenol (up to 90%). There is less of it in the essential oil of clove tree bark than in buds, so when choosing an oil, pay attention to this, what raw materials were used for distillation.

Eugenol is used in the perfume industry, pharmaceuticals and dentistry, in the tobacco industry and in the development of antiseptics.


Clove essential oil is rich in antioxidants. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Strengthens the immune system, has an antiseptic effect.

Due to its beneficial properties, clove essential oil has a very wide spectrum of action:
- is part of healing and anti-inflammatory ointments, remedies for the treatment of fungus, scabies, prickly heat;
- used in cosmetology to fight acne and furunculosis;
- useful for hair care, improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels, due to which the nutrition of the hair becomes complete and their growth is accelerated (the use of clove oil for hair makes them stronger, more manageable and shiny);
- used in massage balms and applications against muscle spasms;
- in dentistry it is used for local anesthesia, treatment of inflammation of the gums and their strengthening, fight against bad breath;
- used to lower blood pressure;
reduces pain during sprains, accelerates wound healing;
- used to prevent arthritis and rheumatism;
in medicine, clove oil is used to restore strength, treat dizziness, improve memory;
eugenol can prevent cancer cells from multiplying and trigger their death (apoptosis);
- often used to increase appetite and improve digestion;
it has a good effect on women's health, helps to increase the tone of the uterus, normalize the processes of the menstrual cycle;
- the use of cloves is a folk way to combat parasites;
- a bath with this oil helps to get rid of mental and physical fatigue, nervous exhaustion and inner uncertainty;
- the aroma of clove oil has a general tonic effect on a person and is an aphrodisiac.


Clove oil is suitable for both external and internal applications.
When applied externally, the oil must always be diluted with base oils, for example, coconut!

When in contact with someone with a cold or flu, apply some clove oil diluted in a base oil on the neck and chest to protect yourself from infection.
- Rub the diluted oil on the wrists to lower blood pressure.
- To get rid of a headache, massage the forehead and temples with a mixture of essential oils of clove (1 drop), chamomile (1 drop), lavender (3 drops), any base oil (1 teaspoon).
- In the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis, it is added to the base oil (5-7 drops / 1 teaspoon).
- For disinfection and speedy healing of wounds, rinse several times a day with a solution of 100 ml of water and 30 drops of oil, shake well before use.
- To solve the problems of skin prone to inflammation and acne, we recommend preparing a mixture based on jojoba oil and clove oil. Add 5 drops of essential clove oil to 1 teaspoon of the oil base, apply the mixture on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water without the use of detergents, wipe dry.
- You can also spot-treat acne, acne with clove oil and use it to treat warts.

blog by-cosmetics эфирное масло гвоздики


Inside, you can take the oil only in a diluted form and under the supervision of specialists, you can not take the essential oil of cloves in its pure form! It is important to remember that ingestion should take place with strict adherence to the rules of dosage and concentration of oil!

For toothache, put a few drops of clove oil diluted in a carrier oil (e.g. olive or coconut oil) on a cotton pad and apply to the gum next to the aching tooth for about 10 minutes or drop the mixture on the aching tooth. The pain will subside in 2-3 hours.

Essential oil of clove is also used in a non-contact way (aromatherapy):
For high blood pressure, colds or flu, spray clove oil indoors.
Diffuse essential oil around your home as an air freshener (diffusing the oil will also boost immunity and normalize blood pressure).
During childbirth, we recommend that a woman in labor inhale essential oil of clove to enhance attempts and stimulate contractions.

Equally effective is the use of clove oil in everyday life, as it allows you to get rid of moths and is suitable as a fragrance for cabinets and wardrobes. The clove scent also repels other insects such as flies, ants and mosquitoes. It is also widely used in cooking for the preparation of classic sauces and pickles.

The distinguishing feature of clove oil is that it does not evaporate for a long time.

Factory by-cosmetics uses clove oil in Bali Body Scrub, #FORHIM Shaving Cream, Miracle Body Butter, shampoo for straight hair Silk Dreams for Oily Hair, Black Magic & White Magic Toothpastes, Clove Essential Oil.

We use clove oil for gentle cleansing of the body in the program Pure Body - Pure Consciousness.

As a result of completing the program, participants note the following changes:
- improves the work of the digestive tract;
- weight is reduced;
- the craving for sweets disappears and the appetite in general decreases;
- visibly improves the quality of the skin;
- migraine passes;
- improves the quality of vision;
- the menstrual cycle is normalized;
- improved quality of sleep;
- easy to wake up in the morning;
- mood improves;
- clarity of mind appears;
- increases the energy level in the body;
- there is an increase in libido.

To complete the program, you need ~ 240 drops of clove oil (this is approximately - this is 12 ml).


Clove oil for oral use is contraindicated:
- children under five;
- women during pregnancy and lactation.
The high content of eugenol in cloves helps slow blood clotting. Eugenol may interact with blood thinners (anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs). For this reason, we do not recommend using oil and similar preparations at the same time.
Before use, you must consult a doctor!
