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The cure for all diseases!


The Moluccas in eastern Indonesia are considered to be the birthplace of cloves, which were taken over by the Portuguese in 1512 and became the monopoly owners of the plantations of this spice. Over 2000 BC from Indonesia, cloves were brought to China during the Han Dynasty, where people held clove buds in their mouths to improve their breath during an audience with the emperor. Also, Chinese practitioners of traditional medicine already then used cloves as a homeopathic remedy for relieving toothache.

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Neem: elixir of life


People of the ancient East knew how to achieve clean, radiant and healthy skin, how to make hair smooth and shiny, how to protect the body from parasites and infections, how to prolong youth and enhance immunity. The secret lay in a tree. To be specific, in a precious oil, obtained from the seeds of this tree. It is called the Neem tree. In the twenty-first century, scientists, with the help of laboratory research, rather than sacred texts, were convinced of the exceptional benefits and healing properties of this plant.

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Essential Oils. Part 2


From time beyond all memory, people have been searching for ways to get the "soul of plants": essential oils. That is the unique elixir, which can replace almost all the contents of our first-aid kit. Natural antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal and immunomodulating agents, which have no side effects and are not addictive are not a myth. Today we will try to tell you about both traditional and modern technologies that allow us using the full power of essential oils, the real healers of the plant world.

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Essential Oils. Part 1


Essential oils are organic, volatile liquids, which are secreted in various parts of plants, such as seeds, leaves, fruits, flowers, sap, and wood. Scientists still can not come to a single definition which would describe all the wonderful properties of these substances, however the effectiveness of essential oils in treatment and prevention of many diseases, as well as a beneficial effect on the hormonal balance and psychological and emotional state of a person, are a proven scientific fact.

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The Poison


Botox: what is hidden behind this word, which became so deeply ingrained in the list of services of cosmetology centers? The term “Botox” was registered by the American company Allergan, and now it has become a catch-all term for all medical products and cosmetic procedures based on botulinum toxin, including analogues. The cosmetic procedure called Botox means intramuscular administration of botulinum toxin preparations in order to block the neuromuscular transmission and, consequently, the relaxation of these muscles.

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The skin we live in. Part 3


Mesotherapy (from Greek mesos – “middle”, and therapeia, "to treat medically") is a non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment. It employs multiple small dose injections of pharmaceutical medications, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and other ingredients, into the dermis and hypodermis. It is in these skin layers the blood vessels, immune defense cells, and the cells that are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin are located. In recent years, mesotherapy is one of the most popular treatments in cosmetic clinics. Advertising is full of reports about its undoubted benefits and absolute harmlessness. In beauty salons you would be told that this method is not new, that mesotherapy has already been used successfully since the middle of 20th century.

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The skin we live in. Part 2


In our last article we talked about the human skin and what functions it performs in our body. Today we discuss the structure of this unique body organ in further detail.

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The skin we live in. Part 1


Cosmetology is a serious science. It’s a far cry from the days when a small, poorly illuminated room could be referred to as the “cosmetology center”. Now most medical centers and beauty salons use the whole range of new dermatological products. In modern cosmetology there is a huge variety of techniques for body and facial rejuvenation.

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Petroleum products - Glycol


Since ages ago mankind has been chasing beauty and unfading youth. Until the middle of the last century, all efforts were limited mainly to attempts to conceal and disguise the marks which inexorable time reserves on the human’s face and body. In the 1950s situation it has changed dramatically: aid to the “beauty activists” put a new spin in the cosmetic industry – skin care products and medicinal cosmetics.

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The most beautiful and tasty… orchid


Mmm ... vanilla! Both adults and children like this sweet aroma. We are very fond of it too, so one of by-cosmetics facial scrubs is called… Vanilla Sky This amazing product distinguish by extra rich creamy vanilla flavour, because of “double vanilla” in its composition. We put there an extract and seeds powder, as the strongest scent is in the seeds and oily liquid inside of the pods. What is this plant?

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Cocoa: food for the gods


The scientific name of the cocoa "Theobroma", from the Greek meaning "food for the gods", was given to this plant by Carl von Linné in the middle of 18th century. This name was chosen by Swedish naturalist and creator of a unified classification of living beings for an ulterior motive: at that time in Europe was known about the unsurpassed taste, nutritional and medicinal benefits of cocoa. In South America, the birthplace of cocoa tree, people since before BC attributed it divine origin: the Mayans used it in the sacred rituals, and the Aztecs revered as a gift of the "feathered serpent" god Quetzalcoatl, and used as a cash equivalent.

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A place in the Sun


Sun. The only star of Solar system: for astronomers - G-type main-sequence star G2V, but for all creatures on Earth - a source of light and warmth. Indeed, life on the planet in its present form would be impossible without solar energy, in fact, it runs the processes of photosynthesis - the formation of organic compounds with the oxygen release.

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"Crème brûlée" for your skin


People often ask us – why we don’t have in our collection creams for the face and body? What do the enigmatic words “body butter” on boxes with our products mean? What is the best choice, cream or body butter and what is the difference? In this article we will briefly tell you about this interesting and very nutritious "dessert" for the skin called “body butter”. .

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Scrubs: from antiquity to the present day


Scrubs come up with a long time ago. Historians have recorded the fact that several thousand years ago, the inhabitants of ancient Egypt and Rome used the compounds that we now call the word "scrub". Asian beauties, chasing smooth and glowing skin like china statuettes, also produced similar mixtures. In Ancient Rus people used brooms, bast and oat bran as part of steam bathing. So this invention is not new. But whether ancient beauty recipes work in the twenty-first century or not?

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