- pure oils : Flaxseed Oil
by-cosmetics 100% natural cosmetics

Flaxseed Oil

Rp 250000

by-cosmetics FlaxseedBotanical name: Linum usitatissimum.
Aroma: mild nutty smell.
Produce: cold pressing method.

Externally: nourishes, moisturizes, softens and rejuvenates the skin; relieves skin imperfections: wrinkles, peeling, age spots; affects the dermis: moisturizes and improves its smoothness, activates collagen production, renews skin cells, promotes tissue regeneration; tightens the oval of the face; relieves inflammation, irritation; fights acne; protects cells, tissues from the adverse effects of environmental factors; improves complexion; increases the overall skin tone; accelerates the treatment of bruises, burns, warts, psoriasis, shingles; heals wounds, bruises, cuts and cracks.

Internally: lowers cholesterol levels, normalizes blood pressure, protects against heart diseases (angina pectoris, hypertension, prevents repeated heart attacks), lowers blood viscosity, makes blood vessels more elastic, improves metabolism; relieves inflammation in fibrocystic breast disease, gout, lupus; eliminates joint swelling and relieves pain in them; increases the absorption of iodine; relieves constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease; has antiparasitic properties, removes colitis, gastritis, heals the liver; prevention of the formation of kidney stones and the appearance of gallstone disease; maintains the health of hair, nails; improves the transmission of nerve impulses, eliminates tingling and numbness in the extremities, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of Parkinson's disease; relieves symptoms of menopause, endometriosis, menstrual pain; normalizes hormonal balance; improves uterine function, helps to eliminate problems with infertility, prevents the formation of prostaglandins, which cause bleeding during menstruation; slows down the aging process, reduces the risk of cancer (prostate, colon, breast); resists the occurrence of atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, blood clots; fights against male infertility, impotence and diseases of the prostate (prevents inflammation, edema); stimulates metabolism; accelerates recovery after sports and ligaments; increases the effectiveness of treatment of diseases of the nervous system, lungs and bronchi, thyroid gland, kidneys, bladder.

Composition: Alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega-3), Linoleic Acid (Omega-6), Oleic Acid (Omega-9), Palmitoleic Acid, Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Behenic Acid, Vitamin A, B, E, K, F.

Alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) decreases inflammation, controls blood clotting on the skin, soothes joint pain and eases stiffness to improve flexibility.
Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties, strong emollient properties keeping your skin hydrated, reducing the appearance of age spots and wrinkles, moisture retention in hair, soothing acne and reducing chances of future outbreaks, promotes hair growth, facilitates wound healing, hydrates skin, helps build collagen.
Oleic Acid (Omega 9) soothes & repairs skin damage, possess anti-inflammatory & antioxidant properties, maintains the softness, suppleness & radiance of skin and hair, stimulates the growth of hair, reduces the appearance of ageing, eliminates dandruff, boosts immunity, prevents joint inflammation, stiffness & pain.
Palmitoleic Acid delays the appearance of premature ageing, moisturizes and tighten the skin, promotes the growth of shiny hair, enhances the brightness of the complexion, boosts the growth of healthy-looking nails, enhances skin elasticity.
Palmitic Acid has emollient properties, softens hair without leaving a greasy or sticky residue, the most common saturated fatty acid, has antioxidant properties.
Stearic Acid purges dirt, sweat, and excess sebum from hair and skin helps products to remain potent when stored for long periods, conditions and protect hair from damage without reducing hair lustre, softens for the skin.
Behenic Acid lubricates and soothes skin, has emollient properties that restore skin's natural oils, improves overall levels of hydration condition and smooths out hair follicles, a thickening agent and surfactant.
Vitamin A protects skin against damage caused by UV radiation, clear pores, smooths wrinkles, stimulate the production of collagen, facilitates faster healing of wounds, protects skin against toxins and bacteria, promotes cell production.
Vitamin B prevents the signs of ageing, improves skin’s moisture-retaining ability, maintains hair’s texture, colour, and strength, regulates skin’s pigment production, promotes the faster healing of wounds.
Vitamin E repairs scarred and blemished skin, prevents moisture loss from skin and hair, offers soothing relief to burned, dry, itchy, skin, deeply cleanses pores and balances oil production, antioxidant, antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory properties, a powerful emollient assisting in restoring cracked skin.
Vitamin F is responsible for the proper formation, growth and health of hair follicles, protects the scalp from dryness, fights split ends, dandruff, nourishes and strengthens hair roots.
Vitamin K participates in the synthesis of blood proteins and promotes the constant synthesis of new platelets; ensures the normal development of the skeleton in children, adolescents and protects the elderly from osteoporosis; participates in anaerobic respiration; takes part in redox reactions and the synthesis of sphingolipids in the brain and enzymatic processes; neutralizes the strongest poisons: coumarin, aflatoxin; regulates blood sugar levels; normalizes the body's energy reserves; has antibacterial and analgesic effects; helps to reduce muscle spasms and relax the uterus, eliminating discomfort during the menstrual cycle.
For hair: improves the condition of lifeless, damaged and dry strands, increases their smoothness and shine, strengthens the structure, prevents hair loss, restores their damaged structure, gives shine, softness and elasticity, restores strength.


Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components of the product. May cause irritation to sensitive skin. Do not use for children under 14 years of age, pregnant women and patients awaiting surgery, with diseases of the biliary tract, with inflammatory processes in the intestines and stomach (gastritis, enteritis, colitis). Always consult a qualified aromatherapist before using it internally!

Storage: store at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight.
Volume: 100ml
