- pure oils : Lemongrass Essential Oil
by-cosmetics 100% natural cosmetics

Lemongrass Essential Oil

Rp 80000

by-cosmetics lemongrass oilBotanical name: Cymbopogon citratus
Aroma: fresh lemon grass.
Produce: method water distillation.
Topically: antidepressant, tonic, stimulant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, deodorant, antiseptic, anti-oxidant, healing, analgesic, astringent, fungicidal, insecticidal.

Externally: effective for oily/combination skin, cleanses and tightens pores. We recommend using dotted with acne and various inflammatory processes. By disinfecting properties resists bacterial and viral rashes, it stimulates the lymphatic system, removes toxins and wastes. It is used for fungal infections of nails and skin, parasitic dermatitis and scabies, natural foot deodorant for excessive sweat, reduces oily hair and scalp grease.
Massage with essential oils of lemongrass reduces the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks lighten (striae), making them less noticeable. The same oil is used to relieve headaches and muscle pain, soothe the skin: eliminate itching, burning, swelling of insect bites. It is recommended as a natural insect repellent.

Internally: in treating problems of the digestive system (gastritis, nausea, and diarrhea), it normalizes the stomach with low acidity and a lack of enzymes. It increases appetite, making you forget about the problems such as heaviness, flatulence, and colitis. In sports perfectly relieves muscle pain while stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, helping to accelerate the removal of lactic acid. Actively influence the metabolism, allowing to cope with dizziness, headache, hypotension, and weakness. It is a natural diuretic.

Inhalation: prevent the development of infectious diseases, especially useful in angina, acute respiratory infections, laryngitis, tonsilitis eliminates the common cold, sinusitis, sinusitis, and is also very effective in the treatment of herpes.

Aromatically: for removal of a depressive state, anxiety, insomnia, mood improvement, it helps concentration, improves mental alertness, memorizes, increases efficiency, makes up for the deficit of positive emotions, banishes apathy and fatigue, improves mood, promotes the growth of self-confidence. Disinfects and freshens the air, providing an antiviral effect.

Lemongrass is oil of purity on all levels: physical, mental and emotional. Helps to get rid of destructive thoughts and programs, depressing emotions and consequences of traumas and shocks stored deep in the subconscious.
The energy of this essential oil encourages you to move forward, not to cling to relationships and situations that no longer serve you, and to let go of the past. Lemongrass brings peace and confidence to life and allows you to clearly see the true state of affairs and true values.
On a bioenergetic level, lemongrass oil cleanses the subtle bodies of the destructive effects of negative thinking and emotions.
- internal use: 1 drop mixed with one tablespoon of honey, drink three times a day. Wash down with juice, tea, yogurt. Please do not take it before bedtime!
- 2-4 drops for oil burner for 15 sq.m.;
- stomatitis, bleeding, and inflammation of the gums; five drops of essential oil mixed with one tablespoon of honey, mix well the mixture into a glass of warm water, then rinse your mouth. Do not swallow!
- hot and cold inhalation two drops, duration of procedure 4-6 minutes;
- massage using 3-4 drops per 1 tablespoon of base oil;
- for the enrichment of cosmetics, three drops to 1 tablespoon of the basics;
- cleaning and then narrowing lemongrass seven drops mixed with ten drops of olive oil, apply exactly to porous portions and leave for 5 minutes, then used to wash and jojoba oil or any soothing cream. It is recommended to carry out the procedure two times a week, 15 times the number of methods.


Never take on an empty stomach! You cannot be used inside during pregnancy and lactation. Please do not use it continuously for more than two weeks. Not suitable for children under seven years old. With care for people with increased excitability, for hypertension, diseases of the prostate, and glaucoma. It is contraindicated in a gastric ulcer on a background of increased acidity. Upon contact with the skin's tangible net oil burning and redness, it disappears after 3-5 minutes. It is a natural reaction. Consult with your doctor before use!

Storage: store at room temperature, avoid direct sunlight.
Volume: 7ml, 25ml
